Serving our Lord

at His Altar

It is a great honor and privilege to serve at the Altar of our Lord and therefore your participation as an Altar Server is special. When you serve the priests and deacons, you serve the people of God, and above all, you serve Christ. As an Altar Server, you are involved in the holiest and most sacred event in our tradition of Catholic worship. Other than priests and deacons, no one else is allowed to so closely play a part in the preparation of the Eucharist. During the Mass, our Savior becomes truly present on the altar. It is a great mystery, but it lives at the core of our faith. It is important that you, as an Altar Server, be attentive and sensitive to the presence of God while performing your ministry around the altar. Servers must remember that everything that they do is for the Glory of God.

The photo at the right is of Altar Servers from around the year 1900 at Sacred Heart Church.

Server Schedules

Being an Altar Server is a call to Prayer and Mission

- Pope Francis 2015

Serving at the altar, the pope told the young people, is a privileged way to draw closer to Jesus, which in turn "enables you to open yourselves to others, to journey together, to set demanding goals and to find the strength to achieve them."  "The closer you are to the altar," he told them, "the more you will remember to speak with Jesus in daily prayer; the more you will be nourished by the word and the body of the Lord, the better able you will be to go out to others, bringing them the gift that you have received, giving in turn with enthusiasm the joy you have received.

Altar Server Prayer Before Mass

Oh Jesus, my King and Lord,
by the grace of the heavenly Father
and the power of the Holy Spirit,
guide me in all righteousness
as I serve You today at the Altar
so I may be always worthy of Your presence.
If I happen to make an error,
may it be a lesson
so my service will be perfect tomorrow.
Jesus, I love you with all my heart.


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